We value the historic and natural beauty of the lake, and work to protect and preserve it for future generations.
The LBA, formed in 1956 by a group of neighbors, continues today as a volunteer 501 C3 non-profit organization, working to support the long-term health of Lake Bomoseen.
We work to support the health of the lake, and to contribute time, funding and volunteer skills toward social, scientific and educational programs to benefit the lake community.
We apply for grants and use membership funds to support our annual Greeters Program which helps to prevent the spread of invasive species: Eurasian Milfoil, Zebra Mussels and Asian Clams among others.
We host the annual summer ‘Bomo Bash’, co-sponsor the 4th of July fireworks, and Youth Sailing Programs and are currently undertaking a Lake Watershed Action Plan (LWAP) via a PMNRCD grant, to find ways to reduce phosphorous run-off into Lake Bomoseen. We encourage and promote the (DEC) Lake Wise Program to educate and (in some instances) finance shoreline improvements to reduce harmful runoff areas of the shoreline.
We partner with the Towns of Castleton, Hubbardton, the Poultney Mettowee Natural Resources Conservation District (PMNRCD) and the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)to preserve and protect Lake Bomoseen.
We are a not-for-profit 501 c3 corporation run by a Board of Directors elected at our annual summer meeting by general membership vote.
Aquatic Invasive Species
Board of
Lake Wise Program
Upcoming Events
The LBA, started in 1956 to serve as a community organization for social events and to work to protect, preserve, and promote Lake Bomoseen. We want to enjoy a healthy lake now and secure a pristine lake for future generations.
We work with Vermont State agencies to run lake health programs, to organize social events that include the entire lake community.
Your membership gives you:
•A quarterly newsletter.
•Welcome letter with LBA stickers.
•Individual membership level includes one vote at the annual meeting July 27th 2024.
•Special event discounts and pricing.
•Social events to enjoy with your Lake community neighbors.
The Lake Bomoseen Association has been in operation since 1956 bringing people together for social and charitable events and supporting local businesses. The LBA works with local and state entities, serves as an aggregate voice of property owners and lake visitors.
The Lake Bomoseen Association takes an active role in protecting, preserving, and promoting lake health, which protect I for future generations.
Membership dues fund:
• The Greeters program
•Annual Bomo Bash
•Seasonal Social Events
•The Youth Sailing Program
•4th o July Fireworks
•Lake Health surveys
•Speaker series & Education
We partner with the Department Of Environmental Conservation ( DEC) and Poultney Mettowee Natural Resources Conservation District. (PMNRC) to promote the Lake Wise Program and to develop a Lake Watershed Action Plan (LWAP).
Hand pulling, Diver Assisted Suction Harvesting and Benthic Barriers are the current available options.
The LBA approach and philosophy is that :
‘Mowing’ Eurasian Milfoil via a mechanical harvester machine, is a super- spreader of this invasive plant. The resulting cuttings reseed the surrounding area, and plant fragments float to clean areas of the lake and cause new infestations. Regrowth in cut areas is aggressive and rapid up to 20+ feet of depth. Milfoil grows faster and more vigorously than native species and is quickly creating a ‘monoculture’ by outcompeting the naturally existing variety of native plants.
Absolutely not. Not legal and not safe.
It is also worth noting that anonymous complaints about suspected unapproved use of this or any other unpermitted herbicide can be reported via this link: website
Annual Membership begins January 1st and ends December 31st.
Please join us at one of our social events, or our summer annual meeting. Read about us on our website, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Instagram. We welcome your questions. Please email us at: lakebomoseenassociation@gmail.com
Pitched Lake George fight ends with lake’s first-ever chemical control of invasive milfoil