The LBA was formed in 1956 by a group of neighbors. We continue today as friends and neighbors who love Lake Bomoseen and want to see it thrive in the future.
LBA Committees
Anyone can join our group committees 🍁 they do not require purchase of an LBA membership.
Lake Watershed Action Plan (LWAP)
A Lake Watershed Action Plan (LWAP) is an assessment and planning tool that identifies the greatest threats to the lake ecosystem. LWAPs are designed to identify and communicate the problems and solutions within a lake watershed to best protect water quality, wildlife habitat, and the lake's ecosystem health.
In 2023, the LBA was awarded a $35,000.00 LWAP grant via the Poultney Mettowee Natural Resources District (PMNRC)for Lake Bomoseen. We will work with Fitzgerald Environmental Associates on this project during 2024/25. https://fitzgeraldenvironnmental.com
There are many opportunities for community involvement and volunteer work during this LWAP development plan. Please email us for more information about being part of this wonderful project. lakebomoseenassociation@gmail.com (att: Rob Mealey)
The social committee plans the BOMO BASH (August 4th, 2024), a lakeside dinner held at the Bomoseen Tap Room featuring: live music, silent and live auctions and is our annual LBA fundraiser. We have also hosted, COMMUNITY PICNICS, NINE & DINE, PAINT AND SIP, AND SPAGHETTI DINNER NIGHT events.
The purpose of the Greeter Program is to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS) through the use of a trained network of public access individuals (greeters) who educate boat owners on the harmful ecological and environmental effects of AIS and the harm it does to the enjoyment of those who use the lake.
Annual Meeting
This committee plans the Annual Meeting which is an all member, in person event to give an overview of the organizations ongoing work. This year it will be held in mid August 2024-stay tuned for more details.
We work directly with local and state organizations such as The Vermont Department of Environmental Education (DEC) and The Federation of Vermont Lakes & Ponds to bring the latest findings and activities promoting lake health to our Bomoseen Community.
This committee is focused on community outreach and education with the goal of building LBA membership
Social Media/Marketing
This committee keeps the LBA website, Facebook, instagram and Front Porch Forum sites up to date and updates the community on events and happenings on Lake Bomoseen.