We value the historic and natural beauty of the lake, and work to protect and preserve it for future generations.
The LBA, formed in 1956 by a group of neighbors, continues today as a volunteer 501 C3 non-profit organization, working to support the long-term health of Lake Bomoseen.
We work to assure the health of the lake and its fauna and flora. We are intensely involved in the battle against invasive species and plants via our Greeters Program we host the Annual Picnic and summer Bomo Bash Social, co-sponsor the 4th of July fireworks, encourage and promote safe boating and set out warning buoys.
We do all this in close concert with the Townships of Castleton and Hubbardton, which surround the lake and the State of Vermont, the actual owner. We partner together for preservation and lake management.
We are a not-for-profit 501 c3 corporation run by a Board of Directors elected each year in July by the vote of the general membership.
Frequently Asked Questions about the LBA
What is the LBA?
The association’s main purpose is to protect, preserve, and promote Lake Bomoseen. We want to enjoy a healthy lake now and secure a pristine lake for future generations.
We also organize social events throughout the season, many of which are open to the wider community, which allow people to get to know their neighbors and have fun.
Why should I join the LBA?
The Lake Bomoseen Association works with local and state entities, serving as an aggregate voice of the property owners and lake users. Membership strengthens our sense of lake community.
Taking an active roll in protecting, preserving, and promoting the lake ensures that the lake will be pristine in the future.
Membership dues go to toward harvesting costs, Seasonal social events, 4th of July fireworks, The Children’s Sailing Program, prizes for competitions, partnerships with other community groups. Membership dues do not go toward Procellacor herbicide projects.
How does harvesting work?
Harvesting refers to a machine (a ‘Harvester’) that cuts invasive milfoil to clear navigational waterways on Lake Bomoseen. People are divided as to whether cutting the milfoil is a solution to this invasive species, or just serves to aid in it’s spread, as any cuttings will quickly reseed and regrowth is vigorous and rapid.
What if I’m not a lake property owner, don’t have a boat, or visit seasonally?
The majority of the LBA members are lake property owners, both seasonal and year-round. Everyone is welcome to join: both homeowners and visitors. You don’t have to own a boat! We also welcome other lake users and Bomoseen-lovers to join as members or friends.
When should I join?
Annual Membership begins January 1st and ends December 31st.
What if I’m not sure if I want to join?
Please join us at one of our social events, or our summer annual meeting. Read about us on our website, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Instagram. If you have a specific question, you are welcome to email the LBA: lakebomoseenassociation@gmail.com