Update 12/19 LBA Proposal
for Milfoil Mitigation
The Lake Bomoseen Association (LBA) and the Lake Bomoseen Preservation Trust (LBPT) have removed the technical hold from the aquatic nuisance control application at the Vermont DEC. The process is now under the sole jurisdiction of the Vermont DEC. The DEC hasna thorough, and scientific process in place to determine if permits will be granted. Any questions or concerns can be directed to the Vermont DEC. All information on the process can be found on the Vermont DEC website.
During the summer of 2021 a vegetation survey of the lake was conducted, co- funded by the Lake Bomoseen Association (LBA) and Lake Bomoseen Preservation Trust (LBPT). The survey results found milfoil in almost 700 acres (30%) of the Lake. Although harvesting in the past has helped to addresses the surface level problem. Harvesting improves of navigability in the short term, but actually makes the long-term problem worse. There is no realistic non-chemical approach to eradication of invasive species in the large areas of the lake.
The goal of this proposal is to use the herbicide to get the milfoil under control, and then rely on primarily non-chemical means to keep it from spreading again.
The LBA is proposing a three-year integrated program for milfoil mitigation
- Utilize ProcellaCOR EC application to largely eradicate milfoil from the Lake
- Administer annual surveys and water testing to identify new problems early
- Diver-assisted harvesting, benthic barriers and localized herbicide treatment to mitigate regrowth
- Expand and enhance current Greeter program to better ensure against reintroduction
- Ongoing community engagement and education
- Add boat washing stations at two public access launch points
- Sustain community fund-raising campaign
To learn more about the Lake Bomoseen Weed Survey Results: Weed Survey PDF
To learn more about ProcellaCOR EC please go to: